Just What Does The Civic Association Do For Us?
Listed below are some of the accomplishments
Closing of Cow Town Pub, now occupied by Progressive Orthotics & Prosthetic
Strong opposition by residents to a reconstruction program to widen 1.U. Willets
Road between Willis Avenue and Shelter Rock Road
Community vehemently opposed to proposed closure of Meadow Drive School
Impact of Golden Age Condominiums on community
Stopped by petition, the granting of a variance to build a second story on an existing one-story commercial building on Willis Ave.

Reconstruction of a home on Arleigh Drive to create a "dormitory" for students at the music school
Opposed multiple dwelling houses on Albertson A venue near LIRR
Waldbaum's (now Food Emporium) longstanding litter problems
Stop signs placed on various streets
Planting of shrubs and trees around the Gazebo in Veteran's Memorial Triangle
Working with Roslyn Civic Associations in having Nassau County declare the area by the water basin on Willis Avenue (now Reflection Park) a Bird Sanctuary to save it from commercial development by the adjacent strip mall
Opposed illegal multiple dwelling housing throughout Albertson
The ASCA sponsors an annual "Meet the Candidate's Night" and the Christmas Tree & Menorah Lighting.
Our informational meetings have included guest speakers from New York State, Nassau County, the Town of North Hempstead, the Third Precinct, Police Department, the Town of North Hempstead Buildings Department, Tax Consultants, Physical Therapists, the Albertson Water District, the Albertson Fire Department
Recently we now have only one abandoned house on Foxcroft Road which is going to be repaired.
Mitch & Toni's Restaurant has not yet been sold, but the 7 Eleven Store is not an issue at the present time.
The trees have been planted on IU Willets Road and repairs have been made to the sidewalks.
With regard to the Willis Avenue Beautification Program, banners with "Welcome to Albertson" have been hung, a kiosk is at the triangle, and benches, a walkway, and a clock were placed on Willis Avenue.
We thank our membership, our community sponsors, and the Fire Department for all their help and use of the Firehouse
for our General Membership Meetings. -
And most of all, our thanks to all the people, past and current officers who have done so much to continue this vision of the Civic Association in Albertson.
We love our community and want it to be a safe and stable environment in which to raise our families.
We as a community have stood together to let our voices be heard.

We thank Rosemarie Murphy, one of the original founders of the Albertson Square Civic Association and presently our Corresponding Secretary for listing some of the involvement with various issues. Rosemarie continues, “I have seen so many changes in Albertson thru the years, but realize what might have been had there not been a Civic Association to represent the voices of the residents. ​
We would welcome some volunteers to help at our five general membership meetings throughout the year, to be a block captain, and other issues.